Browsing All posts tagged under »9/11«

After Another Anniversary of September 11, 2001

September 14, 2010


The flailing of non-nation actors and entities should not be confused with national policies. Leaders and public intellectuals must reinvent global political order that continues to privilege nations as the most promising political structure but also identifies what a legitimate nation is or is not. Doing this may mean building on what is sturdy and useful in the institution of the constitutional democracy and discarding what is too rigid or fragile.

100 Miles from Ground Zero – Roadside Politics Photographed After September 11th , 2001

September 11, 2010


Residing 100 miles west of ground zero, I felt the wave of reaction wash over me and I recorded part of it - hand lettered or hastily posted signs through which people could express how they felt and could comfort one another and comfort themselves. Rather than succumb to feeling completely helpless, these writers posted their brief thoughts. What was my purpose in recording and presenting these messages? There is much wringing of hands over the lost voice of the ordinary person, subsumed in a sea of more polished, or at least more orchestrated and more widely disseminated information and media. Part of my purpose is to celebrate that common voice, which seems very strong and clear in this instance. This photo essay is about public display - and yet it pertains to all of our private responses, as well.